Evaluation of the Open Society Foundations’ Arts and Culture Program
Ever since the fall of the Berlin wall, the Open Society Foundations (OSF) have been acting as a dedicated supporter of the development of civil society in formerly communist countries. Today their scope goes far beyond that region, as societal changes in all parts of the world suggest a need for engagement. The Arts and Culture Program (ACP) of OSF traditionally utilises the intrinsic potential of the arts to oppose non-democratic trends and to help develop vibrant and tolerant democracies.
The two main purposes of the evaluation carried out by EDUCULT are to:
- Evaluate the scope, character and results (at the level of outcome and/or impact) of ACP over the past 5 years.
- Offer an analysis of relevant context and recommendations for the next 5 years with regard to future direction, strategy and management of ACP based on evaluation results and contextual analysis.
A mix of methods is applied, including document analysis and interviews with sub-board members, grantees, stakeholders and civil society representatives in selected countries covered by ACP. Travel to at least two focus areas will allow personal encounters and on-site observations. For a more rigorous and comprehensive analysis, we will additionally carry out a questionnaire-based survey among the mentioned target groups (exc. board) in 5 countries. The results will be discussed with the client and presented in a report.