Evaluation of the advanced cultural management training
Six regions, among them North Africa/Middle East, offer advanced vocational training programmes in cultural management to professionals in the cultural sector.
Overall, the cultural management advanced training programme takes two months. A four-week seminar phase in Berlin and Hamburg is followed by individual internships at cultural institutions in Germany.
The aim of the cultural management advanced training programme is to enhance the professional skills of Arab cultural managers, to set up a self-supporting Arab network between the cultural organizations, and to promote dialogue between German and Arab institutions. By examining the experiences of 2012 and 2013, the evaluation will determine to what extent the aims of the programme have been reached. In addition, the evaluation will generate recommendations for the improvement of this and similar training programmes of the Goethe-Institut.
The evaluation combines quantitative and qualitative elements. An online survey among the participants of 2012 and 2013 is complemented by a workshop with each year group. In addition, we will interview representatives of cultural institutions in Germany and the region Northafrica/Middle East involved in the programme as well as trainers and coordinators. All data will be thoroughly analysed and presented in a final report to the client.
Duration: September 2013 to April 2014Client: Goethe-Institut