Art and Games
Evaluation and scientific monitoring of Kunst und Spiele, a project that aims to create and strengthen art education projects for young children.
The Art and Games support programme “Kunst und Spiele” brings together cultural and educational institutions to create projets that allow young children to experience art in a creative way.
Within the first period (2013 – 2015), ten cultural institutions were funded. The second funding period included six additional institutions.
Within the third funding period (2017 to 2019) further institutions enter the program. These are supported by a tandem partner.
At the moment, 18 cultural institutions participate in the programme.
Since 2015, EDUCULT evaluates and consults “Kunst und Spiele”. Constructive criticism aims to support the further development in terms of structure and process of the programme.
Within the third period, EDUCULT evaluates the tandem network. Next to that, an impact analysis of on the example of one project is undertaken. The study aims to explore what impact the programme has on children.
The evaluation of the tandem network is based on a document analysis, interviews and round table discussions with art managers, directors and kindergarten teachers. The research design of the impact analysis includes interviews with kindergarten teachers, art managers, directors and parents. Next to that, participant observations as well as participatory research laboratories with children are carried out.