Survey among readers of „Fikrun wa Fann“
The magazine is published twice annually in a print run of almost 20,000 copies in three languages: Arabic, English and Persian. The magazine articles which cover current cultural and socio-political issues such as democracy, music between cultures or gender questions are also available in German on the website.
To gain knowledge about its readers the Goethe Institut carried out a survey (print and online) in Egypt and other target countries of the magazine. EDUCULT will analyse the data and derive recommendations for the future development from the results.
In addition to the analysis of the survey among readers we will analyse background material of the magazine. All data will be comprehensively analysed and the results will be presented in graphs and texts. Finally, we will formulate recommendations for the further development of the magazine.
Duration: October to November 2012Client: Goethe-Institut Kairo
Contact: tanja.nagel(at)