Musisches Zentrum Wien thinking ahead
Scientific monitoring of the development process
The Musisches Zentrum Wien (MZW) wants to meet current and future requirements for accessibility and fire protection. To this end, the building will be renovated between June 2022 and spring 2024. The time of reconstruction will be used for a strategic and conceptual reorientation.
The main goal of EDUCULT’s accompaniment is to provide evidence-based support to the MZW team in the development of the concept.
The aim is to integrate the perspectives of the involved stakeholder groups such as staff, artists, children/youth and parents. Therefore qualitative and quantitative methods were chosen such as interviews with parents, focus groups with youth as well as round tables with parents and artists.
Finally, on the basis of a Theory of Change, recommendations are generated, which are interpreted and reflected together with the team of the MZW. This allows us to subsequently formulate consequences for the concept.