Profile: Socioculture
Research design
The promotion of socioculture as a democratic, participatory and socially critical form of the art is of particular importance, especially in pandemic times, in order to preserve not only cultural life but democratic structures par excellence. This must be strengthened in its structure. This is where the special program “Profile: Socioculture” comes in and promotes the profile building and organizational development of non-profit institutions of socioculture, cultural education as well as culture and media work in order to be able to master future challenges. Against this background, the aim of the evaluation is to analyze the work of the Fonds Soziokultur (Socioculture Fund) as an actor for the further development and innovation of cultural participation and co-creation. Secondly, the effects of the special program are to be determined with regard to the organizational structure and profile development of the funded sociocultural projects.
According to these two target areas of the evaluation, the subject of work package 1, is the evaluation of the funding procedure (formalities, information, consultation, criteria), as well as the development and implementation of the accompanying program “Re:Vision X”.
However, both the funding procedure itself and the accompanying program will also be evaluated in terms of their importance for the development of the activities (promotion, monitoring, transfer, discourse). The subject of work package 2 is to evaluate the program “Profile: Socioculture” with regard to the development and strengthening of sociocultural structures. The evaluation team brings, in addition to extensive experience in the field of evaluation in the field of culture and education, as well as profound knowledge of the structures, actors and funding of socioculture in Germany, as Dr. Beate Kegler is also a member of the EDUCULT evaluation team for this evaluation.
Based on the quality areas of structure, process and outcome quality, the evaluation design is based on a multidimensional mixed-methods approach. On the one hand, this comprises a triangulation of quantitative (online survey) and qualitative (interviews, focus groups) empirical survey methods. On the other hand, a combination of empirical data material and a theoretically based document analysis of provided data materials (preliminary studies, documentations, project reports) is carried out. The multi-method approach ensures that different perspectives find their way into the analysis and that broad as well as deep insights contribute to the well-founded identification of results.