Respekt – gemeinsam stärker!
Evaluation of the Viennese prevention project
“Respekt – gemeinsam stärker!” is a cooperative project supported by the City of Vienna and implemented by the Verein Wiener Jugendzentren in collaboration with the Vienna Board of Education. The aim of the prevention project is to support ten Viennese schools (mainly New Secondary Schools) in coping with social challenges such as bullying or discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, conflicts, or tensions in the classroom, etc. The aim is not to intervene selectively, but to enable schools to deal with the challenges of everyday school life in a holistic, systematic and sustainable way.
The project aims to establish fear-free and non-violent schools, to strengthen students, relieve teachers and to actively involve parents. In order to achieve these goals and sustainably change the school culture, various framework conditions will be created.
The accompanying evaluation focuses on the project set-up and structure, ongoing processes and transfer possibilities, as well as the development of recommendations for optimisation.
The evaluation, which is based on the Actor-Network-Theory, relies on a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. We ensure that all evaluation questions will be answered by means of interviews with project managers, head teachers, parents, cooperation partners, observations, focus groups with pupils, an online survey with teachers, and document analyses.