Sparkling Science: Colonialism today?! What does this have to do with me?

© Christina Rittmannsperger


At the end of the project, the interdisciplinary research team presented recommendations for decolonial practice for the General Director and the science communication team of the NHM Vienna, which led to an enriching exchange on the topic. Also, our colleagues Helena Deiß and Anna Gaberscik were guests on Radio Stimme. You can listen to the podcast on the Radio Stimme website (in German)! As part of the Pint of Science Festival in May 2024, project team members Elena Ritschard and Helena Deiß presented the project results of Sparkling Science 2.0 in an interactive workshop: "Colonialism Today? What does this have to do with me?" to an interested audience at the Kulturcafé Henriette in Vienna.