Supporting Community Development through Urban Arts Education
The URB_ART project is a response to the COVID19 crisis, which has inhibited intercultural exchange and severely affected the creative education sector. Possible ongoing pandemic constraints and changes will be taken into account by the project by implementing innovative formats of (digital) education, communication, participation, dissemination.
This project aims to support low-skilled adults in marginalized communities through activities and concepts of Urban Arts Education. Social inclusion and empowerment of this (indirect) target group are the focus of the project activities and results. By providing scientific studies and technical literature on the potentials of Urban Arts Education, a sustainable awareness of the (direct) target groups of this project, which are associated adult and community educators, social workers, professionals from the artistic and cultural sector and independent arts educators and artists, as well as policy- and decision-makers, shall be created.
The goals and planned outputs of the project are:
- A „Baseline Survey on transdisciplinary and multilingual Urban Arts Education” which will formulate national and transnational needs and challenges with regard to marginalization in the fields of culture and education as well as success indicators with regard to Urban Arts Education. The survey will be based on a query, interviews and focus groups in each of the partner countries.
- Development of a “Compendium of storytelling resources through Urban Arts Education”, which aims to list success stories for transdisciplinary and multilingual Urban Arts Education based on the baseline survey.
- An “In-Service training package on Urban Arts Education”, to offer opportunities for further education for adult education providers and community actors.
- Creation of a “Toolkit of video case studies on Community Urban Arts”, to present media-based successful transnational practices for the inclusion of marginalized communities in urban arts programs and initiatives.
- A „Policy Paper“ which deals with the potentials of transdisciplinary Urban Arts Education with regard to social inclusion. Based on the analysis of the results of the transnational project, the aim is to develop operational and policy recommendations for decision makers and policy makers in the field of culture, education and social affairs.
- Multiple national conferences in the countries of the partner organisations and a European symposium in Vienna.
Among 5 organisations from Portugal, Slovenia, Iceland, UK and Austria, EDUCULT is the coordinating organisation of the project.
Toolkit with video case studies on community urban arts.
The video toolkit can be found on our Youtube channel.
Here are the videos of the three good practice examples from Austria:
Keynote: Iketina Danso on “Art Inclusive”
In the framework of the European symposium “Art Inclusive – Addressing Inequalities in Urban Arts Education” on 14 February 2023 in the Kulturhalle Brotfabrik Vienna, Iketina Danso gave the opening lecture.