work::sounds – How does the working world sound? 2015/16
A music education project for professional orientation
Young people are going to use methods of aesthetic research to investigate different workplaces. They are going to explore in what ways their images of professional life differ from the experience made during the project. During the project, they will use different tools and media e.g. to create sound collages that reflect different aspects of work in a sensual way. The youngsters will also interview workers and employees, investigate historical developments (from industry-based to service sector work) and take a critical look at aspects of health, working environment as well as social and communicative settings – e.g. which languages are used, what is the tone of conversation?
EDUCULT takes care of the implementation of the project in terms of organisation and technical support. Barbara Semmler as a music educator is also going to actively work on the project, together with additional musicians. The project also draws on our experiences with Kultur.forscher! a project at German schools using aesthetic research which was evaluated by EDUCULT.