International Conference “Social Inequality and Cultural Policy”
Dear friends and partners of EDUCULT!
On 22 April 2016 the University of Applied Arts Vienna will host the international conference “Social Inequality and Cultural Policy“. It represents a follow-up of the conferences "Periphery.Power.Cultural Policy", "Cultural Policies in Cities" und "Reinventing Cultural Policy? Cultural Policy and Good Governance". The role of the cultural scene and cultural policy in the context of growing social inequality in current European societies will be discussed.
"Social Inequality and Cultural Policy"
Date: 22. April 2016, 9.00 am – 8.00 pm
Location: University of Applied Arts Vienna, Exhibition Center Heiligenkreuzer Hof, Schönlaterngasse 5, 1010 Vienna
Concept and Moderation: Michael Wimmer/ EDUCULT; University of Applied Arts Vienna
The conference will be held in English.
Please register in advance for this event: info(at)uni-ak.ac.at
The detailed program and short biographies of all speakers are available on our website.
The goal of the event is to discuss social inequality from different professional perspectives and in particular to learn about the consequences of social change for cultural policy. During the conference on 22 April 2016 at Heiligenkreuzer Hof in Vienna we will discuss the need to draw upon theories about different cultural behaviour in different social groups with experts in economics, sociology, education and politics. Furthermore, we will learn from selected cultural practices that engage diverse audiences.
Guests from London, Paris, Athens, Barcelona and Warsaw will do short presentations about the current state of social inequality in their cities or countries as well as the specific cultural and political consequences. After the panels there will be time for extensive audience discussions. Our aim is to sensitive the cultural industry for growing social inequalities in current society and in this context to also discuss its social responsibility.
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