Newsletter Autumn 2014
Dear friends and partners of EDUCULT,
welcome to our autumn newsletter informing about developments and events in arts, education and cultural policy and EDUCULT projects.
EDUCULT IN ACTION provides current information on our projects.
EDUCULT IN EXCHANGE informs about international exchange and co-operations.
EDUCULT INFORMS about international affairs, projects and meetings.
Yours EDUCULT-Team
ICCPR 2014: Impressions from Hildesheim – Cultural Policy between Agency and Theory
by Anke Schad and Michael Wimmer
Big scientific events tend to be somewhat confusing. With almost 500 participants and more than 200 presentations in up to 14 parallel sessions (find the program here) the ICCPR 2014 was the biggest international cultural policy research conference so far. As it was the 8th of the biannual conference, some routines were visible – the popular topics like “culture and development”, “culture and diplomacy”, “culture and urbanization” and “culture and economy”.
HOME – A Democratic Education Program
In September 2014, the young people from Hungary and Germany are meeting in Berlin. Anke Schad/EDUCULT will carry out an evaluation workshop with the group, asking their opinion on the project so far. We are looking forward to meeting the youngsters and the project organizers!
Public Funding of Pilot Projects in Cultural Education
At the ICCPR 2014 in Hildesheim, Anke Schad presented some of the project results in a semi-plenary session on arts education to an international audience. The official presentation of the results will take place on 24 September at the Federal Academy for Cultural Education Wolfenbüttel, our German cooperation partner in this project. Scholars and experts from Germany will comment on our findings and enter a joint discussion with representatives of the public authorities that commissioned this research.
Tanja Nagel/EDUCULT has attended the Cultural Innovators Networks’ committee meeting in Izmir/Turkey and carried out an evaluation round table with committee members. Now we are busy with interviews and setting up the online surveys for both evaluations. We are looking forward to the inspirational task to evaluate programmes in areas of dynamic social and political change.
Cultural Learning in and with Enterprises
On 14 October the second round table will be held. This time we have invited experts from industry/business, politics, arts and culture, education and society to join our discussion in the MUMOK. We will discuss not only how arts based learning does benefit the economy and what role the business and industrial sector should play in this development but also first results from our research process. We are looking forward to talking to our guests.
EDUCULT Summer School Vienna
Take your students to Vienna! EDUCULT offers a Summer School providing a participative and discussion-based perspective on the Viennese cultural scene. The students will meet artists, cultural managers and cultural entrepreneurs and get insights into theory and practice in the fields of cultural policy, arts management and arts education.
“SAG’S MULTI!” – Multi Lingual Rhetoric Contest 2014/15
For the first time ALL pupils – with and without a migration background – are invited to join the competition! In 2014/15 “SAG’S MULTI!” is a platform for multilingual talents, whether they speak another first language than German or learn a foreign language.
Workshop on “International Perspectives of Research in Arts Education”
On the 16th and 17th of September 2014 the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) hosted the second workshop on “International Perspectives of Research in Arts Education” in Düsseldorf. Almost 80 researchers from 15 different countries had the chance to exchange their current research activities and results. Michael Wimmer and Tanja Nagel (EDUCULT) took part and presented first results and main challenges from our research project “Learning in, with and through culture”. A short report of the workshop will be available soon.
ENCATC Advanced Seminar – “Rethinking Cultural Evaluation: Going Beyond GDP”
After the seminars “Rethinking Cultural Evaluation: Going Beyond GDP” (Antwerp, 2013) and “Place of culture in sustainable development: going beyond the GDP indicators” (New York City, 2013), the debate on cultural indicators will continue on 22th of October 2014 with an advanced seminar organised in Paris. This event will offer participants the possibility to understand the most recent advancements in the debate on culture as an indicator of well?being and development. A discussion will follow on rethinking how to measure the spill?over effects of cultural and creative industries and how to evaluate cultural approaches.
Letter “Solidarity with the Hungarian Civil Sector”
We, the representatives of European civil society organizations consider a well-developed civil society to be an essential part of healthy and stable democracies. As active and responsible citizens, we proudly share the common values, political culture and legal norms of the European Union and its allies. We therefore feel obliged to respond to the events of the last few days, which are taking place under the guise of a democratic political and legally legitimate struggle in Hungary, a fellow member of the European and Transatlantic political alliances.
LET’S CEE Film Festival
From October 2-11, 2014 the third edition of the LET’S CEE Film Festival will take place in Vienna. Not only will there be presented a lot of legendary arthouse classics and top of the line festival hits, but imaginative short films and excellent documentaries, captivating dramas and moving love stories as well as nerve-racking thrillers and crazy comedies. All in all, Urania Kino, Actor’s Studio and, for the very first time, Village Cinema Wien Mitte will be screening about 80 exceptional productions from Central and Eastern Europe this year – most of them in original language with German or English subtitles.
International Symposium Cultural Education 2015 – Call for Papers
The 2nd edition of the International Symposium on Cultural Education hosted by the Niederösterreichische Kulturwirtschaft will take place in the Austrian city of Sankt Pölten on the 23rd and 24th of January 2015. The aspired discourse will build upon internationality & migration, urban development, minorities and qualitative research & analysis. The ageless importance of these 4 subjects and its relevance for cultural education and audience development form our common challenge. Submit the call for papers until October 6th, 2014.
ASSITEJ Iceland – International Performing Arts Festival for Young Audiences 2015
The third edtion of the annual ASSITEJ Iceland festival is to be held in Reykjavík on the 21st to 26th of April 2015 in conjunction with the Reykjavík Children’s Culture festival. Last year the ASSITEJ festival welcomed over 2.500 audience members and participants during its four day program which included a mix of theatre and dance performances, workshops and smaller events for children of all ages. In 2015 ASSITEJ Iceland will invite both new Icelandic performances and at least two performances from abroad. All performance fields are taken into consideration.
- Newsletter one 2022
- Happy Holidays and see you again in 2022!
- Correction! Invitation to the vernissage “Die Wiener Jammerei” on 17 November 2021
- Newsletter four 2021
- Newsletter three 2021
- Newsletter two 2021
- Newsletter one 2021
- Happy Holidays!
- Newsletter 3/2020
- Newsletter 02/2020