Newsletter EDUCULT 2/2016
Dear friends and partners of EDUCULT,
welcome to our newsletter informing about developments and events in arts, education and cultural policy and EDUCULT projects.
EDUCULT IN ACTION provides current information on our projects.
EDUCULT IN EXCHANGE informs about international exchange and co-operations.
EDUCULT INFORMS about international affairs, projects and meetings.
Arts Education in times of socio-political upheaval
This text was produced in a state of shock. The results of the British referendum had just been announced: a majority of the population voted in favour of leaving the European Union. This signifies the greatest change in the co-existence of countries in Europe since the fall of the Iron Curtain; the consequences of which can’t immediately be estimated in its entirety. In any case, it is a slap in the face for an elite project, which has proven largely incapable of solving the central problems of increasing parts of the national populations. Its decision makers have condoned the impoverishment of entire countries, mass unemployment and also lack of perspective and prospects, particularly among young people.
Art and Games
EDUCULT was commissioned with the evaluation of the project “Kunst und Spiele” (Art and Games) by the Robert Bosch Stiftung. The program aims at developing and fostering projects in the field of cultural participation of young children in cultural institutions. During the second period of the project between 2015 and 2017, arts and cultural institutions can now make use of further support to implement their developed ideas. The evaluation’s goal is to gather data on the effect of the program and support future development. In June 2016 EDUCULT conducted round tables with cultural educators and pedagogues during a network meeting in Berlin.
Culture for All – Phase III – Arts Education in Kosovo
The “Culture for all – phase III” project is an EU funded project managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by Interarts, in consortium with Culture Action Europe and ARCS-ARCI Cultura e Sviluppo. The general objective of the “Culture for all – phase III” project is to contribute to the cultural and socio-economic development of Kosovo by strengthening the cultural sector in Kosovo, through the promotion of cultural activities for all communities, and by promoting inclusive educational and recreational activities. In April Michael Wimmer held the workshop “Culture and Arts Education in Kosovo” in the context of the International Conference “Culture and Education”, organised by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (MCYS) in Pristina.
“SAG’S MULTI!“ Multilingual Rhetoric Contest 2016/17
This year the multilingual rhetoric contest „SAG’S MULTI!“ takes places for the eighth time. The contest was launched by “Wirtschaft für Integration” and aims at showing the potential of multilingualism to a broad public and encourage the youth. For the upcoming contest the participants can hold speeches to the topic "Think out loud!". The participants have to convince the jury of their language skills. At least one member of the jury is a native speaker of the first language. The application phase for the competition 2016/17 starts on 19th of September.
International Conference "Social Inequality and Cultural Policy"
On 22 April 2016 the University of Applied Arts Vienna hosted the international conference “Social Inequality and Cultural Policy“. It represents a follow-up of the conferences "Periphery.Power.Cultural Policy", "Cultural Policies in Cities" und "Reinventing Cultural Policy? Cultural Policy and Good Governance". The goal of the event was to discuss social inequality from different professional perspectives and in particular to learn about the consequences of social change for cultural policy. Guests from different European cities, like Jordi Baltà, Hadrian Garrard, Mikolaj Lewicki and Kate Oakley, did short presentations about the current state of social inequality in their countries as well as the specific cultural and political consequences. The conference was planned by Michael Wimmer.
Anna Lindh Mediterranean Forum 2016
Michael Wimmer has been selected to participate as an international delegate for the Mediterranean Forum 2016 of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Against the backdrop of unprecedented regional challenges, and on the eve of the Maltese EU Presidency which has "Mediterranean Dialogue" as a central policy theme, this year's forum will be a central process to accelerate and scale-up the impact of intercultural action across the Euro-Med region. The Mediterranean Forum is the region’s largest civil society gathering and most influential event of its kind for intercultural dialogue. It will take place in Valletta, Malta, on 24th and 25th of October 2016.
LIKE – „Le Rendez-vous de Bordeaux“
The team of LIKE (European cities and regions for culture) invited numerous participants to their symposium on cultural education on 8th to 10th of June, featuring round tables and inspiring case studies. Artistic and cultural education and debates focused on its capacity to create dialogue and enrich diversity in Europe was the topic of the Rendez-vous. Michael Wimmer participated as a panellist besides other European collegues like Caroline Sharp (research director at National Foundation for Educational Research, UK) and Henri Simons (director of Atomium and ADAM Museum, Belgium).
Remscheid Academy for Arts Education
The Remscheid Academy for Arts Education, established in 1958, is the central institute of arts education for children and young people in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia. In its capacity as a continuous training academy for experts of youth, social, education and cultural work it is a recognised institution for children and young people’s development and qualifies in the entire spectrum of arts education subjects. On 14th and 15th of June Michael Wimmer took part at the symposium „Grenzfälle Kultureller Bildung“ at the Remscheid Academy to discuss the challenges of cultural education given current social development.
7th World Summit on Arts & Culture, Valetta 2016
The focus of the 2016 World Summit on Arts and Culture on 18-21 October in Valletta, Malta, will be on Cultural Leadership in the 21st Century. The arts and culture can be considered to be at a crossroads – faced with many challenges and opportunities at the global, national and local level such as: the impact of new technologies on the production and distribution of cultural goods and services; threats to global security; new patterns of migration; changing contexts at the national level including austerity measures and continuous requests for reform; aspirations from artists and culture operators to extend their impact and outreach to other sectors, while also struggling to guarantee freedom of expression and ensure cultural diversity.
Conference „Reflective Practice: Evaluation in Arts Education“, 28-30 November Paris
RESEO (European Network for Opera and Dance Education) will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2016, a perfect chance to take stock of the opera, music and dance education sector’s evolution, developments, accomplishments and challenges. The Opéra national de Paris, a founding member and pillar of RESEO, will be opening its doors to members for the conference “Reflective practice: Evaluation in Arts Education“ on 28-30 November. Culture professionals, academics, researchers, policymakers, evaluation specialists and the simply curious are invited to stimulating encounters and exchanges, practical workshops and animated debates.
Handbook "Cultural awareness and expression"
Open method of coordination (OMC) working group of EU Member States’ experts published a handbook on cultural awareness and expression. “Cultural awareness and expression” is one of the eight key competences that form the reference tool which EU Member States to be integrate into strategies and infrastructure in the context of lifelong learning. Cultural awareness has a strong impact on our ability to learn social, civic and intercultural competences, as well as on our sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. Michael Wimmer and Ann Bamford carried out a first report at the start of the progress about the different definitions on cultural education in the Member states.
New Publication: Cultural policy in the time of creative industries
NESTA is is an innovation charity with a mission to help people and organisations bring great ideas to life. The organisation has published in June a very provocative document focusing on Cultural policy in the time of the creative industries.This paper argues that new statistics of the Department for Culture, Media and Sports on the cultural sector alongside the creative industries estimates will create an important opportunity to revisit the scope of cultural policy in the UK. One key argument: By clarifying the distinctions between culture and creative industries, the DCMS will open the way for more effective cultural and economy policy (the latter being what creative industries policy will properly be seen to be).
- Newsletter one 2022
- Happy Holidays and see you again in 2022!
- Correction! Invitation to the vernissage “Die Wiener Jammerei” on 17 November 2021
- Newsletter four 2021
- Newsletter three 2021
- Newsletter two 2021
- Newsletter one 2021
- Happy Holidays!
- Newsletter 3/2020
- Newsletter 02/2020