Newsletter Summer
Dear friends and partners of EDUCULT,
Welcome to our summer newsletter informing about current developments and events in arts, education and cultural policy and EDUCULT projects.
We are pleased to present the final report of the Arts Education Monitoring System (AEMS). This European research project was funded by the European Commission’s Culture Programme, to establish a common structure for the comparative analysis and monitoring of arts and cultural education, as delivered by or in the cultural sector.
In Wimmer’s Quarterly Michael Wimmer reflects on arts education between critical analysis and the affirmation of growing inequality
EDUCULT IN ACTION provides current information on our projects.
EDUCULT IN EXCHANGE informs about international exchange and co-operations.
EDUCULT INFORMS about international affairs, projects and meetings.
Enjoy the news!
Yours EDUCULT-Team
Why arts education has to deal with the European crisis
This was the mission statement of the second “World Summit on Arts Education – Polylogue II” that took place in May 2013 in Wildbad Kreuth/Bavaria. Representatives of more than 40 countries gathered in the idyllic Bavarian Alps to discuss questions on “evaluation”, “mapping” and “competences”. Many contributions were characterised by the desire to somehow demonstrate the added value of arts education to foster competences in a wider social and economic context. Again, the case was made for creativity and innovation as instrumental to overcome the crisis.
Access to Culture
The start-up meeting was held successfully from 11 to 12 June in Barcelona. The project partners from Austria, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Sweden and Turkey discussed their national approaches and the project framework. In a next step the European discourse will be analysed and reflected with the national equivalents. An online project platform will be launched soon to enable stakeholders to contribute and share their experience.
AEMS – Arts Education Monitoring System
After two years of research, the final report of the AEMS project is now available for download. The long version contains the arts education policy analysis of Spain, Hungary, England, Germany and Austria as well as the questionnaires for arts educators and institutions that are available for follow-up research.
Working at the border line of employee and freelancer
EDUCULT is a member of the consortium commissioned by the Chamber of Labour Vienna, and coordinated by FORBA – Working Life Research Centre. The project aims at tracing options to analyse the available data to describe the interface of freelance and employed work. EDUCULT focuses on the cultural and cultural education sector.
Educational programs offered by the Austrian cultural sector
What programs and approaches are available for schools? Our survey on educational programs offered by cultural institutions and initiatives in Austria has started. In addition to the survey we will conduct expert interviews with representatives of the cultural and the educational sector in autumn. More information is available in German.
Business: young art – We bring arts and culture to your business
Twelve students of the University of Applied Arts Vienna participate in this project. We would like to introduce them here. The project aims at establishing contacts between young artists and businesses in order to generate added value. EDUCULT serves as a meeting point and provides consultancy.
work::sounds – How does the working world sound?
“work::sounds – make a guess!” and “remix work::sounds”, the video clips created by pupils of four schools for engineering, arts and crafts in Vienna are now online! In the following school year, EDUCULT and the Chamber of Workers and Employees Vienna (AK Wien) will continue the project to achieve further pupils and schools.
Conference “Reinventing Cultural Policy? Cultural Policy and Good Governance”
How can the principles of good governance – transparency, participation, efficiency, responsibility, market economy, rule of law and justice – be realised in cultural policy? How does this enable a “democratic turn” of cultural policy? On 3 June 2013 the conference “Reinventing Cultural Policy?” took place at the University of applied Arts Vienna (concept: Michael Wimmer/ EDUCULT). It addressed experts from cultural policy practice and research as well as artists and cultural managers and practitioners, business people and culturally engaged citizens.
First idocde Symposium on Contemporary Dance Education
From 26.-28 July “The return of the idocs”, the first symposium on Contemporary Dance Education takes place in Vienna. The event features a range of workshops and lectures for dance educators. Michael Wimmer will talk about “The acquisition of kinetic knowledge – reflections on theory and practice of artistic research in education processes”. Deadline for registration: 1 July.
OECD report: “Art for Art’s Sake? – The Impact of Arts Education”
Arts education is often said to be a means of developing critical and creative thinking. Arts education has also been argued to enhance performance in non-arts academic subjects such as mathematics, science, reading and writing, and to strengthen students’ academic motivation, self-confidence, and ability to communicate and co-operate effectively. This report examines the state of empirical knowledge about the impact of arts education on these kinds of outcomes.
Symposium “Reciprocity- a pillar of culture, creation and democracy”
Culture is a pillar of our societies, and forms an integral part of all people and their lives, young or old, rich or poor, from all cultural backgrounds. Is it then not rather arrogant to believe that we can “educate” people to culture? The symposium takes place on 10 July in Aix-en-Provence and is offered free of charge for RESEO members.
Young Audiences Music Awards 2013
We are looking for productions that inspire, that evoke creative thought, that transport young people from their chairs into a magical musical world the likes of no other! Do you know of such a production? Perhaps you have even made such a performance? Apply now!
ICCPR2014: Call for proposals
The 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research will take place from 9-12 September 2014 in Hildesheim and from 12-13 September in Berlin. Proposals can be submitted until 1 February 2014.
ICCPR 2016 – Invitation to submit bids to host the next ICCPR-conference
The International Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) hereby addresses universities, research institutions, researchers and research administrators who might be interested in hosting the Seventh International Conference on Cultural Policy Research. We invite these institutions, researchers and/or research administrators to submit proposals for ICCPR 2016, which should take place sometime between June and November 2016.
- Newsletter one 2022
- Happy Holidays and see you again in 2022!
- Correction! Invitation to the vernissage “Die Wiener Jammerei” on 17 November 2021
- Newsletter four 2021
- Newsletter three 2021
- Newsletter two 2021
- Newsletter one 2021
- Happy Holidays!
- Newsletter 3/2020
- Newsletter 02/2020