Newsletter Summer 2014
Dear friends and partners of EDUCULT,
welcome to our Summer newsletter informing about developments and events in arts, education and cultural policy and EDUCULT projects.
EDUCULT IN ACTION provides current information on our projects.
EDUCULT IN EXCHANGE informs about international exchange and co-operations.
EDUCULT INFORMS about international affairs, projects and meetings.
Yours EDUCULT-Team
Facing the big bang?
Almost 15 years ago, the major cultural institutions of the federal republic of Austria changed their legal entities to full legal capacity. And since the crisis of the Burgtheater became public, the end of this kind of reorganisation of public cultural institutions seems near. The former director Matthias Hartmann thought he could make use of the organisational construct by referring to his artistic (self-)productions for the account of the state. To the surprise of many, he failed and was released from his office. Obviously he underrated the deal connected with the full legal capacity of public cultural institutions. They are expected to receive stable public funding and to find other necessary income sources on the market. When talking to managers of cultural institutions, they complain that at least six-digit sums are missing to at least keep the current state. At the same time they regard fundraising and sponsoring opportunities as limited, given the economic situation.
Summer School of the University at Buffalo/NY in Vienna
From May 26 to June 3 2014 ten students of the Arts Management Program of the University at Buffalo/NY visited Vienna on a nine day educational journey. The Summer School topic is “Mainstreaming migrants or tourists? Towards a new relationship between cultural and integration policy: cultural offering in a demographically changing environment”. EDUCULT organised this year‘s Summer School and set up a program offering various arts management perspectives provided by a wide range of lecturers and institutions. Have a look at our daily report.
Cultural Learning in and with Enterprises
On 12 June we held our first round table discussion with experts from industry/business, politics, arts and culture, education and society. We were surprised by the interest in our topic and the willingness of the participants to discuss arts and culture based learning. Additionally we have carried out personal interviews going more in depth about questions such as „How does arts based learning benefit the economy“ or „What qualifications can be developed through engaging in arts and culture?“. Our next round table will be held in autumn 2014.
Public funding of pilot projects in cultural education
The empirical research is completed. We carried out interviews and round tables in the three federal states Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony and Saxony and on the federal level (projects funded by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media). We would like to thank everyone who shared their insights in the funding of pilot projects in cultural education. At the moment we are writing the final report. The results will be presented at a conference on September 24 organized by our cooperation partner, the Federal Academy of Cultural Education in Wolfenbüttel. More information on the conference can be found here.
Access to Culture
We are currently finalising the national reports on “Access to Culture” from Austria, Croatia, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Turkey. The first drafts will be made public at the project webpage in July. The next step is the comparative analysis of the national policies and their European counterpart. The interim meeting takes place in Istanbul from 18 to 19 September 2014 and is partly open for an interested public. Please get in touch if you are interested in participating!
International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education – Volume 2
Building on earlier discourse, the current yearbook volume continues to focus on questions of research in the field of cultural and arts education from a global perspective. This year’s volume opens with a review of important contributions to the World Summit in Arts Education held in Wildbad Kreuth, Germany in 2013. It continues with the topics of evaluation, mapping and monitoring introduced in the first volume. Theoretical and practical applications of the key foundations of work in the International Network for Research in Arts Education (INRAE) are also explored at length. Most notably, new approaches aimed at linking arts education to peace education and the application of these approaches to education for sustainable development (ESD) are introduced and explored. Michael Wimmer’s article is named “Let us be brave! – Towards a political contextualisation of arts education“.
The 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research will take place on 9-12 September 2014 (Hildesheim) and 12-13 September 2014 (Berlin). The ICCPR2014 aims to provide a space for exploring cultural policies, their meanings, roles and impact in an interdisciplinary and international environment. This conference exploration is not restricted to the contemporary period, or any geographical area. The conference assumes no fixed understanding of the concepts of culture or policy. Michael Wimmer and Anke Schad (EDUCULT) are taking part in a semi plenary session to “Cultural Policy and Arts Education”.
6th European Symposium Culture and Education
The European Symposium Culture and Education will take place from 27- 28 June 2014 at Festival d´Aix-en-Provence and focus on the emergence of artistic, educational and participatory projects. What wishes and desires stand at the beginning of such projects? How much freedom is there, and what are the constraints? How much room is there for the unexpected, for the patient nurturing of what may gradually emerge? How can one bring together creative risk-taking and quality criteria? The Symposium 2014 will concentrate especially on small- and large-scale projects initiated by individual artists. More information will be available soon at the cooperation partners´ webpage RESEO.
5th Vienna Music Business Research Days
Music business research is a new scientific approach at the intersection of economic, artistic, especially musical, cultural, social, legal, technological developments that aims at a better understanding of the creation/production, dissemination/distribution and reception/consumption of the cultural good music. It follows an inter-disciplinary research and teaching approach that is characterized by methodological diversity. The 5th Vienna Music Business Research Days will be held at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria, on October 01-03, 2014.
Arts and Audiences 2014 – Digital at the Arts
Arts and Audiences is a Nordic meeting point for cultural leaders, artists, artistic directors, curators, producers, learning managers, communication managers, cultural architects and strategists who want to find new ways to extend audience engagement. Arts and Audiences 2014 is produced by CKI – The Danish Centre for Arts and Interculture in collaboration with Audiences Norway, Producentbyrån, Kultur i Väst and The Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science & Culture. This year’s conference will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland on the 20th and 21st of October 2014.
Eksperimenta! is the biggest international youth contemporay art event taking place in Estonia, which gives young people the opportunity to present their artwork at an international triennial. The main aim of Eksperimenta! is bringing art and art education closer to each other and thus initiate sustainable changes in art education. Eksperimenta! 2014 will take place from 23 October until 23 of November 2014 in Tallinn Creative Hub. The topic of E! 2014 “Art & Science” invites to integrate contemporary art, art education and different fields of sciences.
- Newsletter one 2022
- Happy Holidays and see you again in 2022!
- Correction! Invitation to the vernissage “Die Wiener Jammerei” on 17 November 2021
- Newsletter four 2021
- Newsletter three 2021
- Newsletter two 2021
- Newsletter one 2021
- Happy Holidays!
- Newsletter 3/2020
- Newsletter 02/2020