Newsletter one 2022
Dear friends and partners of EDUCULT,
When was the last time that you have been visiting a theatre, a concert or a dance performance? When did you exchange directly with other people in an artistic setting or on the artistic experience you just had together? The cultural behavior of people has changed and probably we cannot exclude ourselves from this observation. Artists and cultural institutions are currently feeling this very strongly. A brilliant “return of the audience” is yet to come. However, in discussions with stakeholders, we can see that there may be a great demand in the area of working with schools already or in the nearer future. The desire for cultural activities for students and the need for creative engagement grows through continuous socially and emotionally stressful situations. The contribution of artistic activity and experience can be quite relevant here. In order to come to effective implementations, a stronger exchange between the societal sectors is needed. It is no longer just a question of linking culture and education. Mental and physical health, media, environment and urban development are equally important for an overall concept of cultural education. An overall concept that then also needs the entire public support and does not have to make do as a stepchild in the cultural sector with the crumbs left over from “adult culture” in terms of attention and funding. It is an indictment of our societies today that we have not managed to attach more importance to this. At least, there are a lot of organizations that aim to make a change here. We are lucky that we could work together with some of them in the last months. Some of the projects are teased in this newsletter. Enjoy reading and exploring further!
EDUCULT IN ACTION provides current information on our projects.
EDUCULT TALKS introduces people with diverse backgrounds.
EDUCULT IN EXCHANGE informs about international exchange and co-operations.
EDUCULT PUBLISHES informs about current publications
EDUCULT INFORMS about international affairs, projects and meetings.
Wimmer’s Quarterly
About the Value of Art
On what basis should artists be paid? In free-market societies, the answer would be: According to the principle of supply and demand. If artists produce sought-after products and services, then they will earn high revenues or be well compensated. If, however, they produce art that does not interest anyone, then the income that can be earned from it will probably not be very high either. [read more]
EDUCULT in Action
Spring Academy
From 10 to 16 March 2022, workshops, lectures with experts and virtual visits to cultural institutions took place on behalf of Kōbe University / Japan, offering students a varied journey through Vienna’s cultural landscape. We took an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities that cultural practitioners face due to constant social change and compared the different frameworks and conditions for success in Vienna and Kōbe. We would like to thank all the speakers and participants for the exciting insights and discussions! [read more]
New Pathways for German-Turkish Youth Exchange
At the end of the year, the project entered its final phase. All data collected (interviews with stakeholders, employees and participants, observations at events, quantitative questionnaires) were triangulated with each other, and the results were incorporated into a final report. A final presentation took place at the beginning of March, in which the results and associated recommendations for action were once again communicated in a collected form. [read more]
work::sounds – Klangbilder der Arbeitswelt 2020/21
After several postponements of the studio workshops due to the pandemic, whose implementation is essential in presence mode, we may now make up for them in March and April 2022 and look forward to the creative work of nine Viennese school classes at Theater AKzent! Together with the artists nita. studio für visuelle Gestaltung and Ines Kolleritsch, we will devote ourselves to sounds and images from various companies and from the students’ everyday home schooling. We are looking forward to the resulting video clips and music tracks! [read more]
OeAD “More than Bytes – Cultural Education and digital Media”
At the end of 2021, the evaluation of the OeAD’s “More than Bytes” program was completed. The evaluation has clearly shown that arts education projects can contribute to the acquisition of digital media skills. The results were presented to the OeAD representatives and discussed together. [read more]
In March, the second project step, the “URB_ART Storybook: A Compendium of Storytelling Resources,” was published. Here, the URB-ART consortium has gathered twenty success stories from a range of transdisciplinary and multilingual Urban Arts Education providers and projects and put them together to share with a wider audience. At the same time, the next step, the “In-Service Training Package” is already under way. At a Learning Teaching and Training Event, which will take place in Lisbon from April 28-30, 2022, this will be tested practically for the first time and afterwards a partner meeting will be held to plan the further steps of the project. [read more]
The Art of Teaching
After the first Transnational Project Meeting in Ljubljana, the partners of the consortium, which EDUCULT is part of, offer various workshops on the topic of “Theatre pedagogical elements for the classroom”. These take place online and are aimed at teachers, educators and other people who are interested. The first workshop is on the topic of “Emotions Matter”, where activities and games are presented that help to exchange with students and to deal with a “chaos of emotions” in the classroom. [read more]
Orwa Saleh is an oud player and devotes himself mainly to (contemporary) jazz in the Viennese music scene. The last exhibition “Die Wiener Jammerei” of EDUCULT’s Salon der Kulturen was musically accompanied by him. The musician was born in Syria, where he studied at the Higher Institute of Music, amongst other places, as well as at the National Conservatory in Lebanon. In 2012 he moved to Austria, first to Linz and later to Vienna. EDUCULT talked to him about his life and in Europe, in Austria and in Syria. Available as a written interview in English and German and as a Podcast in German. [read more]
EDUCULT in Exchange
D/Transformation – Diversity in decision-making positions in the cultural sector
D/Arts – Project Office for Diversity and Urban Dialogue invites to the two-part event D/Transformation: World Café / Keynote + Panel Discussion on 31 March 2022, 4-9 pm CET. Society is more diverse than the cultural sector. This event focuses on the necessary transformation of cultural institutions from within. How do programmes and contents change when attitudes critical of discrimination and diversity are anchored at staff level? What measures are needed to strengthen diversity-sensitive perspectives in decision-making positions? And how can these processes be promoted at a cultural policy level? Using examples from the national and international cultural sector, we will discuss how discriminatory structures can be identified and diversity processes implemented. The Keynote and two stations of the World Café will be held in English. [read more]
Status of mexican artists in Vienna: oportunities and challenges
In the event, which will take place on 4 April, 7 pm at the Mexican Cultural Institute in Vienna, Mexican artists from different creative backgrounds and regions within Mexico will share and discuss on their artistic life in Austria. What brought these artists to Austria? What is it about cultural life in Vienna that makes them want to stay? In this panel discussion there will be a dialogue amongst three artists living in Vienna that will share on the opportunities of artistic development in Austria but also on the difficulties as foreign artists or creatives. The event will be held in Spanish and English and moderated by Cristina Peregrina Leyva, who is currently working at EDUCULT.
Screening and Discussion: Artistic Freedom under attack: Resistance and Resilience
Together with the filmfestival “This Human World” and the Arts Rights Justice Austria network, the Austrian Commission for UNESCO invites you to a discussion and screening of “A Night of Knowing Nothing” (Payal Kapadia, 2019) at Top Kino (Vienna) on 7 April, 7:30 pm. The focus will be on current developments in Ukraine and India. With Sarita Jenamani (Pen Austria), Dariia Kuzmych (artist), moderated by Cristina Peregrina. The event will be held entirely in English. [read more]
EDUCULT Publishes
Upon finalising the SoPHIA model, a toolkit was designed for assistance in its implementation. In addition, four policy briefs were also produced, with the purpose to influence policymakers on problems identified through the project’s research, along with clear recommendations. They covered the social, economic, cultural and environmental impact of cultural heritage interventions. As part of the project, guidelines for an action plan on future actions regarding cultural heritage impact assessments was also produced for policymakers, along with an analysis of the research agenda and needs within the impact assessment realm in Europe. The consortium met for the project’s final conference in Rome, in December 2021. [read more]
Publication: Audience in Central Stage
ASSET, which stands for Audience Segmentation System in European Theatres, is an international cooperation and research project involving seven partners from across Europe, supported by the Creative Europe Programme from 2018 to 2021. In the final report, different European cultural institutions in the field of theatre and their relationships with their audiences will be examined in more detail and approaches to diversification will be further developed. [read more]
Publication: Culture Action Europe: Culture in the EU’s National Recovery and Resilience Plans
This publication, developed by Culture Action Europe and its membership, offers an overview of the place of culture in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) of the Member States of the European Union. In 2020, as an immediate response to the pandemic crisis the EU institutions adopted an one-of-a-kind stimulus package, called Next Generation EU, (NGEU), to boost the recovery of the continent. The core component of this envelope, called Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is channeled to EU Member States between 2021 and 2026 to better cope with the pandemic fallout and make European economies and societies more sustainable, resilient and better equipped for the green and digital transitions. This brief overview aims at analysing what types of investments and reforms (if any) are contained in the NRRPs directly supporting Europe’s cultural ecosystem, which has been among the most affected by the long crisis and the subsequent containment measures. [read more]
Trans Europe Halles Conference in Prague
The TEH 2022 international conference will take place on 26-29 May 2022 at Studio ALTA in Prague, Czech Republic. The theme of this year’s conference is “Cultivation”: “What does cultivation mean to us? First of all, it is about listening and learning to consider our actions within our ecosystems and sustain healthy environment so that its individual components can function.” The programme of the conference consists of four fundamental sections: “Symbiotic Programming”, “Space is the case is the space is the case”, “We should care about each other”, and “Utopia, really?”. [read more]
Video recording and publication: Reconstruction and Sustainability of Culture in Times of the Pandemic
Culture has been suffering the effects of the Covid 19 pandemic for two years – Europe wide. And yet not much is known about how our neighbours are dealing with this crisis. Doesn’t cultural reconstruction succeed better if we know and learn from each other’s respective ideas and strategies? What is the role of sustainability and what is the responsibility of civil society? Stiftung Genshagen discussed these questions with panelists from France, Poland, Slovenia, Portugal and Germany in three online events in autumn 2021 and talked about approaches to solutions. As an outcome next to video recordings there is a digital publication, which includes the results of the panel discussions. [read more]
With the conference “WALK THE LINE – FAIRNESS FOR THE INDEPENDENT PERFORMING ARTS IN EUROPE” on 25 March 10 am – 5 pm CET, the European Association of Independent Performing Arts focuses on various European fairness processes and tries to take stock: Which processes regarding ‘fairness’ have emerged in Europe? How do they differ, what are their similarities? How far advanced are these processes in the respective countries and what can other nations learn from their experiences? What types of processes are there? But also: Which political developments endanger the free performing arts scene and what do these movements say about the appreciation of democratic and European values in their countries? International guests will report from their countries, present best practice models, and provide an overview of both positive and negative developments for the independent performing arts sector. The conference can be attended live by 80 participants in Vienna, as well as via live stream. The conference will be held in English. [read more]
Promoting the Inclusion of Europe’s Migrants and Minorities in Arts and Culture
The report published by the Migration Policy Institute which draws on interviews with cultural professionals from 11 European countries, explores approaches to strengthening the participation of migrant and minority communities in arts and culture, with potential benefits for immigrant integration outcomes, social cohesion, and the vibrancy and sustainability of cultural institutions. It examines migrants’ and minorities’ inclusion on three levels: as visitors of cultural venues and consumers of art, as featured artists and performers, and as leaders and staff within cultural institutions. [read more]
- Newsletter one 2022
- Happy Holidays and see you again in 2022!
- Correction! Invitation to the vernissage “Die Wiener Jammerei” on 17 November 2021
- Newsletter four 2021
- Newsletter three 2021
- Newsletter two 2021
- Newsletter one 2021
- Happy Holidays!
- Newsletter 3/2020
- Newsletter 02/2020