ACEnet – Arts Education Network

ACEnet started in 2001 during the A Must or a-Muse conference in Utrecht/the Netherlands. The aim was to raise awareness for arts and cultural education Europe-wide. Austria, together with France and Belgium, has been an active partner organizing the conference Promoting Arts Education in Europa during its Presidency in 2006.
Since then, much has happened. The European Commission has declared arts and cultural education as one of its focus topics supported by the open coordination method. Many members of the ACEnet were involved in the “working group on developing synergies with education, especially arts education“that issued its final report in 2010.
Colleagues from Belgium have now revived the ACEnet in order to foster exchange between public servants both from culture/the arts and education departments, quite often not working in a coordinated way. The ACEnet is now also inviting experts from the civil sector. Therefore EDUCULT director Michael Wimmer will take part in the meeting.
The conference program of Access to Art and Culture throughout Childhood and Youth can be found here.