Culture for All – Phase III

The general objective of the “Culture for all – phase III” project is to contribute to the cultural and socio-economic development of Kosovo by strengthening the cultural sector in Kosovo, through the promotion of cultural activities for all communities, and by promoting inclusive educational and recreational activities. One of the project’s tasks is to “Conduction of a situation analysis of culture as a subject within the education system, produce an assessment report including realistic and feasible recommendations and the identification of quick-impact and long-term measures to promote increased cultural education and awareness. Organisation of a workshop on culture and art education by involving relevant stakeholders to explore innovative activities linked to culture and education”. In this regard, it is expected that both the workshop and the International Conference will contribute to the development of this task.
The workshop is led by Dr. Michael Wimmer, EU expert of the “Culture for all – phase III” project and director of EDUCULT, Vienna. He also lectures on cultural policy at the Institute for Political Sciences and at the Institute for Theatre and Media Studies, Vienna University. Much of his work focuses on the cooperation between the arts, culture and education. Wimmer is also a consultant to the Austrian Government, the Council of Europe, UNESCO and the European Commission, inter alia as a member of the EU Expert Network on Culture.