More than Bytes
Cultural and digital education are prerequisites for forward-looking, individualized learning that promotes self-competence, creativity and flexibility. Digital education in the context of arts education is a relatively young approach that needs to be tested, also in terms of a reflective distance. How can artists and mediators work with pupils using digital media in the field of arts education? How are teachers prepared for these challenges to engage in creative processes in the context of cultural and digital education?
We live in a media society that uses “old” and “new” – analogue and digital – media in a linked and interactive way. Cultural media education, as part of general education, enables children and young people to orient themselves in an increasingly medial and mediated world. Digitalisation strategies in Europe have also triggered discussion in the area of cultural education on how cultural workers work with students in the context of digital media.
The conference will cover research findings on the subject area and showcase models of how the practical implementation in different countries in Europe works in the field of cultural education. The spectrum ranges from the education of future teachers, to the use in school, to the informal education of young people in the context of digitalisation.
Thursday 11th April 2019, Vienna, from 10am – 5pm
Venue: Kardinal König Haus, 1130 Vienna, Kardinal-König-Platz 3
Conference Language: English and German
Participation: free
Conference Programm
10:00 Welcome
Jakob Calice – KulturKontakt Austria Aron Weigl – EDUCULT Martin Bauer – Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)
10:20 Short films by students
PANEL 1: Cultural Education in Post-Digital Times
Host: Ernst Wagner and Ligia Ferro, Board ENO
10:25 Keynote
Benjamin Jörissen – Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Digitalisierung als kultureller Prozess: Aufgaben und Potenziale der Kulturellen Bildung für die gegenwärtige und zukünftige Schulentwicklung
10:45 Panel und Diskussion
Martin Bauer – BMBWF
BMBWF-Masterplan für die Digitalisierung im Bildungswesen und pädagogische Umsetzung
Susanne Keuchel – Akademie der Kulturellen Bildung, Remscheid
Challenges for Cultural Education in times of Post-Digitalization
Wojciech Kowalik – AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management
Can heritage digitisation increase cultural participation and influence social inclusion?
12:00 Mittagesssen
PANEL 2: Creativity and Digitalisation
Host: Sirikit Amann – KulturKontakt Austria
13:00 Keynote
Gefried Stocker – Artistic Director Ars Electronica Linz
Create your world
13:20 World Café
Table-discussions with central theses of the lectures and presentation of an ENO survey with the participants on the basis of their working practice
15:35 Short films by studemts
14:00 Short break
PANEL 3: Schools of tomorrow
Host: Aron Weigl – EDUCULT
15:00 Keynote
Markus Hanzer – University of Applied Arts Vienna
Wie kann Kulturelle Bildung auf die aktuellen technologischen Entwicklungen reagieren?
15:20 Inputs and dialouges
Holly Donagh – A New Direction
Caring for Cultural Freedom: an ecological approach to supporting young people’s cultural learning
Melissa Bremmer & Emiel Heijnen – Research Group Arts Education, Amsterdam University of the Arts
Is THIS art?? Arts Sciences practices and the reconceptualization of arts education
Nina Grünberger, Pädagogische Hochschule Wien – Zentrum für Lerntechnologie und Innovation (ZLI)
Mehr als digitale Bildung? – Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung für schulische Medienbildung
16:35 Short films by studemts
16:40 Summary
Michael Wimmer – EDUCULT
17:00 End of Conference
Date: Thursday 11thApril 2019, Vienna, from 10am – 5pm
Venue: Kardinal König Haus, 1130 Vienna, Kardinal-König-Platz 3
Conference Language: English and German
Organisation: KulturKontakt Austria - Sirkit Amann & EDUCULT - Aron Weigl
Registration until 5th April 2019:
This event is counted as a education event of the University of Education Lower Austria (LV-Nr. 331F9SKI12). Prerequisite: matriculation at PH NÖ!
Other registration deadline for teachers: until 11 March 2019 at the PH NÖ