SoPHIA Virtual Stakeholders Conference
Cultural Heritage - Rethinking Impact Assesments
SoPHIA – Social Platform for Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment –, an EU research and innovation Horizon 2020 funded project, reviewed the literature, policy programmes and practices and mapped existing gaps, issues and problems. After consultations during the first workshop with members of the Social Platform, a draft model for assessing cultural heritage interventions was designed. The draft model has been tested in twelve case studies across Europe.
Against this background, SoPHIA invites researchers, practitioners, policymakers from Europe and beyond and anyone interested to a collective reflection on the diverse impact of cultural heritage during the two days SoPHIA´s Stakeholder Virtual Conference.
The first day will broach pressing issues of cultural heritage. Those issues have proven to be relevant to the cases of cultural heritage interventions analysed in the project. Representatives from the cases and invited guests will discuss with the audience about main challenges and opportunities that have been encountered, in parallel panels from 10:30 until 12:00 and from 13:00 until 14:30, including:
- bridging the gap between culture and sustainability
- access and inclusion in public spaces and in cultural heritage education
- opportunities and challenges of evaluation requirements
- dissonant European cultural heritage
- over-tourism in urban environments.
Based on the discussions, the programme of the second day will focus on the findings of the SoPHIA case studies and the debate on the cultural heritage draft model for impact assessment will be spurred. A virtual World Café will allow Conference participants to provide feedback and input on issues that relate the concrete findings and the discussions of the first Conference day.
The conference programme is available here.
Please register for the conference here.
For queries, please contact info(at)