4 posts
The Society of Friends of Music as main supporter of the Musikverein is celebrating its 200th anniversary. Just at the end of the Napoleonic wars, this private initiative of the Viennese bourgeoisie started its task to “bring the classical works on stage”, thus compensating its political weakness. Besides the concerts, a music school was started, […]
The holiday season is over, and back on our office desks we are trying to get organized. Some travel experiences however are lasting and make me reflect upon questions and insights I cannot forget and do not want to forget. A contract of EDUCULT with the Open Society Foundations (OSF) by financial investor George Soros […]
Recently I came across the book “The Swerve: How the World Became Modern”. In this book, Stephen Greenblatt, Professor of English and American Literature and Language at Harvard University and author of a fascinating Shakespeare biography describes the discovery of the final copy of an ancient manuscript titled “de rerum natura” written by Lukrez. According […]
The political scientist Anton Pelinka stated in the context of the presentation of his book Europa – Ein Plädoyer that Europe is a “brainchild” and has not yet arrived in the “belly of the Europeans”, One tends to agree if only there was not the level of aggression and wrath of a growing part of […]