Art Inclusive – Addressing Inequalities in Urban Arts Education
A European symposium in the framework of URB_ART
Art Inclusive will bring together key actors from the fields of culture, education and policy for an exchange on Arts Education and its role in addressing inequalities faced in a diverse urban society.
A Keynote, working groups, a panel discussion, and an artistic intervention will be held to explore how to empower people, and to facilitate social inclusion in arts and culture, and the creative education sector.
The event will be held as part of the URB_ART project, which supports low-skilled adults in marginalized communities through activities and concepts of Urban Arts Education.
Face-to-face event with free admission. If it is not possible to attend the event on site, participation via Zoom is possible.
When & Where:
14.02.2023, 09:00-15:00
Kulturhaus Brotfabrik, Superar – Room “Forte”
Absberggasse 27/staircase 3, 1st Floor, 1100 Vienna
- 9:00-9:30 Arrival and Morning Coffee
- 9:30-10:00 Welcome and Introduction
- 10:00-10:30 Keynote by Iketina Danso
- 10:30-11:30 Panel: “Urban Arts Education – challenges and opportunities for the future”
- 11:30-12:30 Break
- 12:30-13:00 Artistic Intervention
- 13:00-14:30 Working Groups
- 14:30-15:00 Plenum and Conclusion
Keynote: Iketina Danso on “Art Inclusive”
Iketina Danso © Castille Alma
Iketina Danso BA Hons, MA, MSc is an intersectional equalities specialist, human rights practitioner and human resources expert.
She lectures in Anti-discrimination and Equality, part of the Applied Human Rights Masters programme of the Vienna University of Applied Art and is Chair of the association (Highly Intersectional Vienna).
Iketina is communities poet of Villa Vida queer cafe, writing with the pen name JG Danso. Her multidisciplinary approach approach pushes for structural equality, intersectionality and inclusion in all spaces. Born in East London to parents from Ghana and Sierra Leone; she is currently based in Vienna.
- Asma Aiad (Muslim Contemporary/Salam Oida)
- Claudia Isep (Austrian UNESCO Commission)
- Elisabeth Bernroitner (D/Arts/Brunnenpassage)
- Thomas Laimer (VHS 16)
Moderated by Aron Weigl (EDUCULT).
Working Groups
WG1: Urban Arts Education – From Policy to Practice
This working group will explore the role of policy and decision makers in addressing the future role of arts education in fostering social inclusion in disadvantaged communities.
WG2: Access to arts education
The discourse as part of this working group will focus on aspects of the accessibility of arts education. What forms of access (physical, ideological) are key to ensure that the changing needs of communities are met?
WG3: Support systems for adult and arts education practitioners
In this working group we will reflect on how effective support systems for practitioners working in inclusion through art can be built and how these systems could look like.
WG4: Multi- and metrolingualism in arts education
This working group will discuss how the concept of multi- and metrolingualism can break down barriers and contribute to inclusion and participation in arts education and how art can at the same time replace verbal language and function as a universal language itself.
The European Symposium will be held in English. Registration for participation – on site or via Zoom – is requested: