European Arts Education Fact Finding Mission
The Aim of the European Arts Education Fact Finding Mission is providing a structural tool to close this gap of information on resources and provide data for facilitating an evidence-based policy and empower practitioners to discuss funds and resources. The structuring tool will enable institutions and governmental bodies to collect data on inputs spent and make them comparable between institutions, communities and member states of the union.
EDUCULT research is based on scientific triangulation by combining social-, cultural- and political science as well as economics. In our scientific design we strive to collaborate with partners and experts during every step of the way. Questions and definitions are defined in an explorative way. This allows us to go back and adapt previous stages of the scientific research process based on the evaluation and feedback gathered in a later stage.
Besides a comparative mapping of the participating countries, several models were prooved on the feasability investigating resources in the domain of arts and cultural education.
Findings of the projects are presented in the Final Report.
Further (national) research results can be downloaded from the Attachment section.
The dominat importance of human resources in the field of arts and cultural education and the unstructured recording of financial resources, within cultural institutions and public services, had a major impact on the follow-up project named Arts Education Monitoring System (AEMS).
Duration: January to Dezember 2010Grantor: European Comission - Cultural Program
Contact: michael.wimmer(at)