Short description
JOBLINGE was developed by The Boston Consulting Group and the Eberhard von Kuenheim Foundation of the BMW AG. The Programme aims at supporting young people in difficult social circumstances during their start into work life. In a joint venture partners from the economy, the state and civil society set a course against youth unemployment. During the six months programme the participants train “on the job” key qualifications, social and (inter-)cultural skills. In this, they are supported by personal mentors. In the additional culture and sports programme (funded by the Crespo Foundation and other partners) the young people work with theatre, music or literature, supported by artists and arts educators. After a pilot phase in Frankfurt the programme is currently being transferred to other JOBLINGE areas in Germany.
The formative evaluation will gather data on the effects of the culture and sports programme on the participants. Furthermore, it will inform the development of the programme and the transfer to other areas.
Our approach is a Contribution Analysis based on a Theory of Change. The empirical findings inform the analysis of the contribution of the programme to the intended effects. We will carry out interviews with alumni, the management, partners from the economy and pubic authorities. In addition, round table discussions with workshop leaders and workshops with participants will take place.