Opera Lab and Dance Lab
Evaluation of two education projects of the Vienna State Opera
The opera lab and dance lab are two new educational projects offered by the Vienna State Opera, which invite young people to actively and creatively engage with the world of opera and ballet under the theme of dystopia/utopia.
In the opera lab, which is carried out in cooperation with Superar, young people meet weekly to write, conduct interviews with professionals and sing and make music. A visit to the opera is also included in the program. At the end of the process-oriented project, a self-developed performance is to be created.
The dance lab is a cooperation with Tanz die Toleranz and Superar. It is aimed at children and young people who learn and experiment with different forms of physical expression in weekly rehearsals in order to ultimately transform their ideas into an original choreographic concept. Participants draw additional inspiration from attending ballet performances.
EDUCULT was invited to evaluate these two outreach projects.
The aim of the evaluation is to support the further development of the projects. The evaluation will answer questions about the quality of the courses as well as questions about the co-creative processes between children, teachers and the cooperation partners and about the quality of the results and transfer. Interviews, focus groups, document analyses and participant observations will be employed as methods in this process.