Internationale Konferenz „Peripherie.Macht.Kulturpolitik“

Das geplante eintägige Symposium stellt eine konsequente Weiterführung der Diskussion der letztjährigen Veranstaltung „Cultural Policies in Cities“ dar. Deren Beiträge haben die wachsende machtpolitische Bedeutung von Städten deutlich gemacht. Ihnen gegenüber stehen Räume abseits der großen Ballungsräume, die gezwungen sind, sich auch kulturell neu zu definieren. Diese Entwicklung betrifft aber auch die urbanen Zentren selbst, wenn deren Ränder – siehe die Vorstädte europäischer Hauptstädte – sich zunehmend vom zentralen Geschehen abkoppeln.
Die Veranstaltung am 22. April 2015 an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien möchte das Phänomen der Peripherie von verschiedenen Blickwinkeln aus betrachten. Immerhin lässt sich der Begriff nicht nur politisch, geographisch und soziologisch, darüber hinaus ästhetisch, in jedem Fall sowohl theoretisch als auch anhand kulturpolitischer Praktiken untersuchen.
Die Konferenz wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten.
Date: 22. April 2015, 9.00 am
Location: University of Applied Arts Vienna, Exhibition Center Heiligenkreuzer Hof, Schönlaterngasse 5, 1010 Vienna
Concept and Moderation: Michael Wimmer/EDUCULT
8:30 – 9:00 Welcome/Registration
9:00 – 10:00 Opening
Gerald Bast/ University of Applied Arts/ Vienna, Austria
Christophe Girard/ Councilor for Culture and Mayor of the 4. Arrondissement/ Paris, France
Introduction: Michael Wimmer/ EDUCULT/ Vienna, Austria
10:00 – 10:30 Some Principal Considerations on “Periphery”
Christiaan De Beukelaer/ Queen Margaret University/ Edinburgh, Scotland
10:30 – 11:00 Break
11:00 – 12:30 Global versus Local
Gala Koretskaya/ British Council/ Kazakhstan
Malaika Toyo/ Cultural Policy Researcher/ Nigeria
Monika Tsiliberdi/ Ministry of Culture/ Greece
12:30 – 13:00 Intervention
Kreatkör/ Free School/ Hungary
13:00 – 14:30 Break
14:30 – 16:00 Urban versus Rural
Doreen Götzky/ University of Hildesheim/ Hildesheim, Germany
Peter Oswald/ Arcana Festival Austria/ Austria
Cathrin Rose/ Ruhrtriennale/ Germany
Patrick Föhl/ Network for Cultural Consulting/ Berlin, Germany
16:00 – 17:30 Break
16:00 – 17:30 Centres versus Margins (Moderation Anke Schad/ EDUCULT)
Elke Krasny/ University of Fine Arts/ Vienna, Austria
Walter Rohn/ Academy of Sciences/ Vienna, Austria
Piet Forger/ Councilor for Culture in the City of Leuwen/ Leuwen, Belgium
Markus Davey/ Roundhouse/ London, UK
18:00 – 18:30 Break
18:30 – 20:00 Final Plenary
Gerald Bast/ University for Applied Arts Vienna/ Vienna, Austria
Christophe Girard/ Councilor for Culture and Mayor of the 4. Arrondissement/ Paris, France
Markus Davey/ Roundhouse/ London, UK
Christine Böhler/ Cultural Manager, Curator/ Vienna, Austria
Michael Wimmer/ EDUCULT/ Vienna, Austria
Date: 23. April 2015, 12.30-14.00 Uhr
Location: Universität für angewandte Kunst, Seminarraum B, Altbau DG, Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Wien
Michael Wimmer im Gespräch mit
Christine Böhler
Christine Böhler (Vienna) is Manager and Cultural Scientist. She works on interfaces in arts and cultural histories, cultural politics, research projects and media, as a writer, moderator and developer. She is founding director of the culture programme of Erste Foundation and former CEO of Kontakt. The Art Collection of Erste Group and Erste Foundation. She directed the reading and exhibition programme in the Literaturhaus Vienna and curated various international festivals focusing on arts, literature and new media. In 2001 she published the book Literatur im Netz. Projekte, Hintergründe, Strukturen und Verlage im Netz (Literature on the web). Christine Böhler studied Comparative Literature and Spanish in Vienna and Madrid and gave classes at the University of Innsbruck on cross-cultural topics.
Christiaan De Beukelaer
Christiaan De Beukelaer is Lecturer in Cultural Management at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh and PhD candidate at the University of Leeds. His work explores cultural policy, human development, music industries, and the cultural economy. He is a member of the U40 Network, and is winner of the 2012 Cultural Policy Research Award, which resulted in the publication Developing Cultural Industries: Learning From the Palimpsest of Practice (European Cultural Foundation, 2015). He is co-editor (with Miikka Pyykkönen and JP Singh) of the forthcoming book Globalization, Culture, and development: The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).
Piet Forger
Piet Forger is currently the head of the department for culture of the city of Leuven, a city of 100.000 inhabitants and 50.000 students, near to Brussels, Belgium. Before, Piet Forger has been the director of several cultural centers and the umbrella organisations of cultural centers at provincial and Flemish Level. He was also for many years Deputy Director of CultuurNet Flanders. Since 2007, he serves on the Strategic Advisory Body for culture in Flanders, the Advisory Council for the Minister of Culture. Moreover Piet Forger is the initiator and vice president of Vitamin C, a network for those who are passionate to connect children and young people with arts and culture. At European level, he is connected with various networks, including the European Network for cultural centers ENCC, the IETM international network for performing arts, Trans Europe Halles, Culture Action Europe and ICEnet, an international network for arts education.
Dr. Patrick S. Föhl
Dr. Patrick S. Föhl, born in 1978 in Berlin-Kreuzberg, acquired his PhD in arts management and has a degree in cultural work. Since 2004 founder and director of the Network for Cultural. He conducts various cultural planning projects in Germany and other European Countries (e.g. City of Potsdam, Cultural Region of Stuttgart, City of Plovdiv, Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region, various regions in Brandenburg and Thuringia). He has worked for different cultural institutions (e.g. Jewish Museum Berlin, Classical Foundation Weimar) since 1996. He is guest lecturer and speaker at various universities, colleges and institutions in Germany and abroad. He has published extensively in the field of arts management and cultural policy. He has been on the board of the Fachverband Kulturmanagement since 2013.
Christophe Girard
Born in February 1956, Christophe Girard seems to have lived multiple lives. As a teenager, he fell in love with the Japanese culture and studied the Japanese language in Paris before moving to Tokyo – the very first of his numerous travels to the Archipelago. He spent most of his career as a top executive in international companies such as Yves Saint Laurent and LVMH. From 1999 to 2001, he was Chairman of the Board of the former American Centre in Paris. He also produces wine in France. Politics is simply another step taken in a life dedicated to promoting the arts, culture and equal rights. In 2001, he is appointed Deputy Mayor in charge of Culture by former Mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoë. During his term, culture enjoyed a clear revival in the French capital: innovative projects such as “Nuit Blanche” – that is now worldwide known and imitated – were implemented. In 2012, Girard became Mayor of the 4th district and has been re-elected this year, in March. As such, he keeps on fighting for the causes he has been advocating all his life such as the European Union, equal rights for same-sex couples, culture and is dedicated to fighting against all discriminations. He is an activist for education.
Dr. Doreen Götzky
Dr. Doreen Götzky is a member of the department of cultural policy of the University of Hildesheim. She works in the field of cultural management teaching and research as well as on questions of cultural policy especially with a focus on rural regions. Further, she is researching on the subject concepts and structures of cultural funding in Germany and on cultural development planning.
Bálint Juhász
Cultural and Educational Developer – Bálint Juhász – was born in Budapest in 1982. He studied Hungarian Language and Literature at ELTE University, Budapest and Theater Arts at Vestjyllands Højskole, Ringkøbing. Founder and director of Föld Theater, an independent and experimental company between 2003 – 2011. He collaborated with Árpád Schilling and Krétakör since 2009 in several projects and became the head of Free School, a democratic engagement program for secondary school students.
Galina Koretskaya
Galina began her career as an account manager at Saatchi&Saatchi advertising agency in 2005 and later worked both in commercial and non-commercial sectors. In 2011 Galina completed her MA in arts management at Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (Czech Republic) and started work at the Mayor's Office Department of culture as a specialist on development and cultural policy. Since 2014 she was Executive Director of a non-profit foundation "Almadeniet" and supervised several biggest city events of the Department of culture. Her Almadeniet team organized projects within framework of intergovernmental programme "Almaty – Cultural Capital of CIS Countries 2014". In 2014 Galina joined a working group, which has been developing concept of the cultural policy of Kazakhstan. Now Galina is Head of Arts at the British Council Kazakhstan.
Elke Krasny
Curator, cultural theorist, urban researcher and writer; Professor of Art and Education at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna; 2014 City of Vienna Visiting Professor at the Vienna University of Technology; Visiting Scholar at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montréal in 2012; Visiting Artist at Simon Fraser University's Audain Gallery in Vancouver 2011-2012;Visiting Curator at the Hongkong Community Museum Project in 2011; Recent curatorial works include Mapping the Everyday. Neighborhood Claims for the Future and Hands-On Urbanism 1850-2012. The Right to Green which was shown at the Architecture Centre Vienna and at the 2012 Venice Architecture Biennale. In 2015 Hands-On Urbanism is shown at the University of Maryland's Kibel Gallery. She co-edited the 2013 volume Women's:Museum. Curatorial Politics in Feminism, Education, History, and Art.
Monika Niki Tsiliberdi
Monika Niki Tsiliberdi is the Head of the Department for Synergies and Multilateral Cooperation of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Education, and a member of the Managing Committee of the Creative Europe Programme and the OMC group of the EU on Access to Finance for the CCIs. She studied Archaeology and History of Arts at the Philosophical School of Athens University and holds a Master of Arts in Landscape Studies from the University of Leicester in Great Britain. Currently she is working on her doctorate thesis on cultural and creative clusters in Athens at Panteion University.
Dr. Walter Rohn
Walter Rohn studied Political and Communication Sciences at the University of Vienna. He is senior researcher at the Institute for Urban and Regional Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. His main fields of research are Culture and Urban Development, Arts and Migration, Art Avant-garde in Vienna after 1945. At the moment he is working on the research project New Culture on the Outskirts of Cities.
Malaika Toyo
Malaika Toyo has had more than 5 years experience managing projects in the field of macroeconomics policy development which has led her to work with organizations such as the United Nations, African Union, Arterial Network and African Arts Institute. With a degree in International Economics, she has amassed a rich understanding of the challenges and requirements needed in addressing policy issues in Africa. Curious about a more micro and contextual approach to sustianable development, in 2012, Malaika switched her focus to understanding the cultural dimensions of development. This led her to undergo a Masters programme in Creative and Media Enterprises at the University of Warwick.As co-founder of CaliRocks Movement and committee member of Arterial Network she is very much interested in research focusing on the African Creative Economy and the cultural policies that guide this economy. Malaika was responsible for organizing the first Arts and Culture Indaba organized by the City of Cape Town’s Arts and Culture Department. She is passionate about projecting the untapped potential of the African cultural and creative sector in address future challenges. Based in Lagos Nigeria, she now runs a White Space Creative Agency where she is constantly identifying opportunities that can empower creative talent in both the formal or informal sector of Nigeria.