Newsletter Winter
Dear friends and partners of EDUCULT,
welcome to our winter newsletter informing about current developments and events in arts, education and cultural policy and EDUCULT projects.
Wimmer’s Quarterly introduces our new Austrian Government, a very special Christmas gift.
EDUCULT IN ACTION provides current information on our projects.
EDUCULT IN EXCHANGE informs about international exchange and co-operations.
EDUCULT INFORMS about international affairs, projects and meetings.
We wish you happy holidays and good start in 2014!
All the best,
“Austria as the experimental station of the end of the world” (Karl Kraus)
Christkind is giving Austria a new government. Right before Christmas, the Austrian President has inaugurated the coalition of social democrats and conservatives who together reached just above 50% of the national election votes (compared to 90% in the 1950ies). If Austria would vote today – the pollsters are sure – the right-wing populist FPÖ would win. Their head Hans-Christian Strache who reinterpreted charity as for “Austrian natives only” would become the next chancellor. At the moment he is busy preparing for the European elections, trying to forge an alliance of Eurosceptic or Eurohostile parties. Their electorate draws its potential from the growing frustration of the losers of the crisis, blaming the EU for the worsening of their lives. In this respect, the FPÖ can follow a clear political objective, which is to torpedo the unification process.
Public funding of pilot projects in cultural education
From January 2014 EDUCULT will start research activities on pilot projects in cultural education in cooperation with the Federal Academy of Cultural Education in Wolfenbüttel. We are pleased that the project is supported by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the three federal states Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony and Saxony.
One-Person Enterprises in Austria
EDUCULT is a member of the consortium commissioned by the Chamber of Labour Vienna and the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection. The project analyses the workforce at the interface of freelance and employed work across selected sectors. EDUCULT focuses on people employed in the field of cultural education.
SAG´S MULTI 2013/14
SAG’S MULTI 2013/14 is under way. More than 407 pupils from all over Austria applied to participate in the fifth competition, presenting in 39 different languages. This year’s topic for the speeches is: „Word up: We join the conversation!“. Good luck to all the participants and enjoy the SAG’S MULTI!-stage!
work::sounds – How does the working world sound?
From September 2013 to April 2014, EDUCULT and the Chamber of Workers and Employees Vienna (AK Wien) and Lower Austria (AK Niederösterreich) offer the project „work::sounds“ for schools combining music education, aesthetic research and professional orientation. The first video clips produced by some of the participating pupils can be found here.
8 Annual Meeting of the Professional Association of Cultural Management
From 16 to 18 January 2014 the meeting will be held at the University of Applied Science Kufstein in Austria. Michael Wimmer participates in a panel-discussion. Anke Schad holds the workshop on „Financing of Culture and Democracy”?“.
Conference on Creative Economy in Athens from 20 to 21 February
In the framework of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union a conference will be held on „Financing Creativity“. Michael Wimmer will participate in the panel-discussion on „Cultural Entrepreneurship in Action: The business aspects of cultural activity – Audience Development and capacity building“, moderated by Gorge Klimis. Michael will be joined on the the panel by Trine Bille from Copenhagen Business School and Myron Michailidis from the Greek National Opera.
12th annual Assembly of Compendium Experts 12 to 13 December 2013 in Vienna
The compendium meeting in Vienna was held successfully discussing the further progress of the platform EDUCULT was invited to discuss with the compendium experts on the chapter of cultural education and got insights of the research frames that are applied. We are looking forward to future exchange with this important network in cultural policy.
First Calls of the new Creative Europe Programme are published
On 11 December the new culture programme of the European Union was published and the first calls are open for cooperation projects, platforms, networks and literary translation projects. EDUCULT as expert for European projects welcomes opportunities for cooperations in the Creative Europe programme. Please contact peter.szokol(at)
ICCPR2014: Call for proposals
The 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research will take place from 9-12 September 2014 in Hildesheim and from 12-13 September in Berlin. Deadline for proposals is 1 February 2014.
Call for Papers 5th Vienna Music Business Research Days
The 5th Vienna Music Business Research Days will be held from 1 to 3 October 2014 at the University of Music and Performing Art Vienna in cooperation with the Waves Vienna & Bratislava festival. The conference day on 3 October focuses on post-docs from all scientific disciplines interested in music business/industry research.
6th World Summit on Arts and Culture
The World Summit on „Creative Times: new models for cultural development“ will be held in Santiago de Chile from 13 to 16 January. With 70 speakers from all regions of the world, topics covered are as diverse as: artistic leadership in critical times; public and private support for the arts and culture; models for social-cultural integration; and creative spaces for experimentation.
The Art of Music Education – Last Call for the International Conference on 22 January
For the 4th time the symposium “The Art of Music Education” at KörberForum in Hamburg is inviting general directors, dramaturges and music educators of international concert halls and orchestras to discuss the latest developments in music education. The symposium is hosted by the Elbphilarmonie, the Körber Foundation and ECHO (European Concert Hall Organisation) and has established itself as an international exchange forum and successful co-operations
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